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NexusMods, VPN, China


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Hi everyone. I have a very simple question: Are China's users not able to get into the Nexus? Or to download?

The reason I'm asking is because I've recently uploaded a few followers and i just received a pm asking for permission to upload in some chinese site.


As a player,I am very like your Mods.

I come from China.
Sometimes,we cannot browse foreign websites.VPN,It's basically banned.

Can i hope to get your permission?post to China BBS:9DM.
(Apply for authorization)Exclusive...All...

Of course, i can indicate the original URL and author.
I sincerely hope to get your permission.

Anyway, I respect your choice.


I mean, it sounds fishy. I don't know they're just very simple followers and I don't really care, BUT i've used many assets and tools from other people so it's not completely up to me.

Besides I see a lot of chinese translations in the Nexus so idk what to think of all this.

Would it be a good idea to just upload a Mirror download?

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9DM is basically 3DM clone. Thing is nexusmods can be randomly blocked, unblocked at times with the great firewall. It usually has more to do with three things, either the fear of something not being accessible, the want to translate and make money off it or translation and letting people who have a very poor/no grasp of english(and being unable to interact with a foreign language site at all) a chance to interact with someone who can "explain" the mod, this then begets derivatives of your mod and so on. The latter is also very popular in Japan, but declining with more people being proficient in english.

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