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Player height editing in CT


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The short answer is: the height in first person is determined by a skeleton file.


The long answer is: There used to be some mods on the Nexus that modified the height of the 1st person camera "skeleton", thereby modifying the height of the camera.


Using player.setscale in-game changes the player character size; going below default, using player.setscale .75 as an example, will lower the first person camera placement as well as their character's size in game. (I use .9 for a Cathay khajiit, as the ones in Skyrim are implied to be Cathay-raht.)


However, using setscale to change the player height to above standard (1.0001 and beyond) doesn't increase the height of the first person camera. Using one of the taller 1st person skeletons would suffice, I think, although I confess I'm not sure how it would cooperate with the setscale values.

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So it is harder as it seems.


So another question:

Ive got skeleton and nifscope.


I assume that it is :



and factor:



I know there is a lot of skeletons, but i assume that everyone has to have this parameter.


And now:

What i have to change ? Scale of it or Translation??


I ise olny nifscope, other programs are too complicated.

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There should be a 1st person skeleton somewhere in the main Skyrim.bsa file. I believe it can be found under Meshes/character/ somewhere in there. You'll need a BSA extractor, there are a few here on the Nexus.


The thing you're looking for would be, and I'm iffy on this because I'm going off of picked up knowledge on skeletal structure (I can't mesh nor bone to save my life, I don't have Nifskope, anything like that), but you're looking for the skeleton with a 1st person camera "bone". The one you've got right now appears to be a third person female skeleton, which would only adjust the default camera placement (sans xoffset and zoffset, both found in the Skyrim.ini) on a female character using the appropriate skeleton.


From there it's just a matter of scaling up the skeleton. The CK sets height and weight base values for races based on a standard size skeleton (Imperials are standard height, I think), but the 1st person skeleton doesn't change whether you're a Bosmer or an Orc, male or female-- it uses only one skeleton for all races and genders. Raising the height of the 1st person skeleton would raise the 1st person camera placement accordingly. 1.1 scale is taller than anything you're likely to find playable in-game at the moment (save maybe one of those playable Dremora mods), because I think the maximum height is an Orc or Altmer at 1.04 height. (I could be wrong, though.)

Edited by mindinavoid
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There should be some somewhere, yes. I've been digging through the categories, trying to locate one, but so far no dice. I'll update if I find one. I seem to recall one in the past having multiple options, where the user could just swap in the new file at their leisure and have a different height for the camera, but that was before the CK released.
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