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Bit Masking and math functions


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Id like to take a dec number and using masking as in And / OR etc be able to tell if a single binary bit in that dec number is on or off and to be able to set or unset that bit

for example


16 is actually 8 4 2 1 as binary positions go thus is there a math function that I could say do

1 1 1 1


16 (some operator) 8 and have it change to number 7 as I turned off the 8

! 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

and then do


16 (some operator) 8 and have it change back to 16 as I turned on the 16

! 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ! 1 1 1


then also important is there a way I could mask the 16 to see if the 8 was on or off ?

I want to do this with 255 or 512 to be able to store flags in a Global variable thus cutting down the Global Variable usage.

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I can help with this. You will need to covert this a bit for your scripting language, but this will work.


Bitarray= New Array(16);

Bittest= New Array(16);




For (z=16;t>-1;t--)





//This should set up the 512 array, biggest last. This next step will help when breaking down a variable.


Function var_split(var globalsets)



Splits= New Array (16);





If (G=>Bitarray(Y))






Return Splits;



Then all you have to do is feed the function the number variable. What picks up your flags will be the array created at the start. Example: Bittest=var_split(56);



Hope this helps, it is some lower level C, C++, or JavaScript coding. You can get some books on using arrays with the various programming languages pretty cheap, see w3c.org for the JavaScript coding (it's free).

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