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Missing Gambit Tiles on All Job Boards


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Edit: Solved, I never noticed before, but it makes sense. The gambit tiles are not added to the job boards until after the tuturial from Balthier and the Gambit and Party options are added to the menu. I loaded my save from just before that, went through the tuturial, and all the gambits appeared on the boards.


As the title says, every job board is missing only the gambit tiles. I haven't been able to find anything similar to this, or figure it out myself. So I'm looking for leads here.


I have modded using the Zodiac Planner 5-2-0-3, Zodiac Equipment Editor 40-1-6-1, VBF Browser 25-1-3 and a few reskins. All of those worked great. Today I Injected new boards and battle_pack file, started up a new game and got to the point where you can first choose you job. Noticed the missing gambit tiles.


I loaded up an old save file and the tiles were there.


Thinking that I messed something up I swapped in a FFXII_TZA.vbf backup. Same exact issue.


Tried using FF XII Zodiac Age PC Master Save Files from Merkhava, number 8, which starts you right after recieving the tomato hunt, no gambit tiles. Loaded save number 7, which starts you right after Fran and Balthier join. The gambits are there this time.


I then try, still using the original .vbf, playing from a new game all the way until Fran and Balthier join me. The gambits are not there.


I decided to wipe the game and reinstall. I uninstalled via steam, then went and deleted the remaining empty folder as well as the save folder. Redownloaded the game and tried all of the above again. Same issue.


I assume there is some files somewhere hiding, didn't find anything in the C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming folder.


I'm out of ideas, I'm going to try installing on another computer, or reinstall windows.

Edited by Daekrys
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