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Quest/Package/Script Help requested! Items/NPC's falling through floor on load.

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Quest/Package/Script Help requested!! Placed quest items/NPC's falling through floor on load. I am having issues with some items and NPC's that I have only moved that are from the vanilla game that still spawn where they were originally. I have moved these XMarkers and triggers to a new location in the same cell, yet there is a default master package or something forcing them to not spawn @ or fall through the platforms they are placed on now. They do run around and back to their markers, but there are intro sequences that are not working correctly due to them not being in the right spot to begin with. Is there any way to over ride where all of these items are supposed to start? (IE Where I have them placed) Also there is some furniture pieces that trigger one of the intros and I have changed all the refs in the packages over to a new furniture piece to get it to spawn in the correct place, but the intro still only plays when you go down to the spot where the furniture used to be. There is a hidden marker or something please help with this issue.

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