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[LE] Creation Kit Problems With Importing Faces

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So I decided to make a few of my characters into followers. But I ran into a few problems.


First of all I use Enhanced Character Edit and RANs Enhanced Character Edit Enhancer

to create most of my characters. So I followed this guide on how to make

a standalone character using ECE. I followed it and even did CTRL + F4 on him.


So here is the character I imported into CK using SPF





I placed him in the Drunken Huntsman and when I went to see

how he turned out, and the result wasn't the same.





I was confused on what happened and decided that I ended up messing up somewhere while creating him. So I deleted all

of his files and esp. but when I tried to restart with creating him I ended taking a second glance at him in the NPC preview window.

I noticed that his face looked all ridged and didn't look right. His face is kind of ridged around the jaw part like in the screenshot above.


I used NifSkope to hopefully fix this but it still doesn't work.

So I'm out of ideas if this is my fault and I'm not doing something

right or if it's CK being weird.

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You need to merge the ece-file that is under SKSE Plugin folder into the exported nif of the ck with nifmerge. Here is an exact video how to do this:



This works the same for racemenu or ece. And forget the face view in ck, it's all distorted.


A good advice: Save your ece-slots, the .npc files and the nif's from SKSE away. With ece you can't do reversing of the process. ece is not able to read npc files or nifs. If you are satisfied with your follower, best practice is to never touch the facegen data tab of the follower in ck again.

If you do, you will at least end with the dark face bug, but mostly with a destroyed head.

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