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My Username....


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Lol thanks Xan :),


Well at least you guys have reasons for ur usernames mines just random like I said :).



Heres a little pic of a sofa that looks like a pair of lips :D :

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*In a very serious tone (because I worship cookies)* Well said Ubercookie, *salutes ubercookie*

I honor you, there should indeed be more tastier bigger and more uber Cookies in the world, even though they are already tasty they can get even tastier :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
My name isnt very original. I got the idea from Starcraft (anyone remember that one?), there was this one unit that said "Power Overwhelming" when you clicked on him. I thought it sounded cool, and *bang* now its my second most frequently used nickname. The 3 came because overwhelming was taken the first time i tried to use the name. I never bothered to try overwhelming after that for simplicity. Sorry for such a long post. Anyways, good luck with the Nexus. :biggrin:
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Aziraphale is the angel of the flaming sword who guarded the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve were cast out (Genesis 3:24). In the opening of the book, he has just given the sword to the humans (reference to Prometheus of the greek mythology), citing the cold and Eve's pregnancy. The angel of the flaming sword in Christian theology is a Cherub, but it is later stated that Aziraphale is a Principality; his apparent loss of the sword may have contributed to his demotion.


After reading 'Good Omens' I started to really like the name, and it has become my frequent username (along with Eibbor).


The 001 is because just 'AzirAphale' didn't work first time round and AzirAphale1 or AzirAphale01 just didn't look right. Plus I think it sounds cool. "The names Aphale. Azir, Aphale..."


"Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide."


Ah, the marvels of Wikipedia, where would we be without you...?

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  • 1 month later...

My username is derived from the evil character in a story I completed some few years ago, entitled "The Long Voyage Home".


The idea for that particular story stems from 1992 and is inspired by one of Mike Oldfield's complex music sections.

I wrote the initial story in 1994; then it sort of spiralled out of control and with a lot of writer's block episodes, I concluded the tale almost a whole decade later.

It also has a 6 CD collection of all the music that inspired me to add certain elements to the whole project.

Now the 750 page story just sits there, collecting dust, waiting for me to get inspired once more and make a redraft, to iron out any inconsistencies, language issues (I wrote it in English, but that's not my native language) and continuity problems.


While spelled "Alehazar", I always pronounce it -whenever it calls for pronunuciation- as "Allayhazar".


(As an aside: I always used the story's good guy name for my game characters in RPG's that would only allow male characters.)

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