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Is there a way to export/rip your player character's model (for use in external program/3d printing)?


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So I've been searching everywhere, and I can't seem to find a way to export or rip my character's 3d model. Id really love to pose and 3d print some models of my player characters created in game. Im not that great of a 3d model artist or I'd just try to sculpt and recreate. Is there a program or way to rip/export the player character? I know Skyrim had spf command, but spf command in FO4 doesn't seem to do anything. BAE only extracts base models (and I'm trying to extract my character's face with mods and all intact), and I heard ninja ripper doesn't really work with FO4. . Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. OR. .or, if you're a decent 3d artist, I'd be willing to pay for commissioned 3d models. .

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I'm not totally sure this will help, but I recently was fiddling around with Outfit Studio to fix some in-game clipping and noticed it had an option to export meshes to an obj. I'd have to try it myself to be totally sure, but that sounds like it could be pretty relevant to exporting game models for 3d printing purposes. There'd still be some other work to do, but at least the biggest hurdle - opening the model up in general purpose 3d editing software - would be cleared.


With that said, if OP is still around and interested, I am a decent 3d artist with some actual 3d printing experience as well, who's always interested in paying work.

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