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Stoopid Noob Question: WTF's with duplicate psc files?

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I'm at the BARE START of the "Hello World" stage of doing anything, so I apologize in advance for what is probably a really dumb question, but I am confused about how to even properly install CK to get started.


SKSE64 and CK both provide some of the same .psc files (for example ActiveMagicEffect.psc).

Should I use SKSE64's psc files or CK's in the event of duplicate file names?


Ok...I've installed SKSE64 (latest version) and PapyrusUtilSE (also latest version), and made sure they both conformed to the Data/Scripts/Source convention for file location.

I have read the posts on this forum and implemented the changes to CreationKit.ini to force it to recognize the Data/Scripts/Source location too.

I "get" that I cannot simply unpack the CK Scripts.zip and expect it to magically conform to that directory path, since it's bass-ackwards...so I went to manually move all its .psc files into Data/Scripts/Source -- which should have been fine...except for the duplicate files.

The CK versions tend to have file creation dates of around Feb 2018 -- But the ones from SKSE64 are from Apr 2018 and, as a rule, are slightly larger in size.

Having no good ability yet to read and understand what's *in* the psc files, I am *assuming* that the "newer" SKSE64 ones are probably "better" than the ones that come with Creation Kit (since Bethesda is notorious for not keeping up with stuff etc.)

But is my assumption correct?

So yeah...CK or SKSE64?

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If you expect to use the additonal scripting functions that SKSE provides, you need the SKSE versions of the source files. The reason they are slightly bigger is that they include those extra functions.


You can open .psc files in notepad (okay, you don't understand what's inside them yet, but you will, sooner or later).

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Well, I'll dump in the SKSE ones then and hopefully get started on the next step in my learning, hehe.

Thanks for the reply! :)

I managed to successfully port a *very* simple mod (just meshes and textures with a minor spell effect looks-related .esp) from Oldrim to SE, but I don't feel like I "did" anything yet, since I didn't lay hands on any code to do so.

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