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Skyrim SE crashing every 2-5 minutes


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So i just started a new playthrough of a pretty heavily modded Skyrim SE. I have a bashed patch, manual conflict resolution patch and everything. When i got to around whiterun is where the ctd'ing began. I tried disabling a few mods, mostly SKSE64 mods like SSE Engine fixes, to no avail. (Is that the right word?) Loading and older save where it wasn't crashing and running to Whiterun again, seemed to fix it. I'm not crashing anymore. Is it possible that i just got really unlucky and the save just randomly got corrupt/semi-corrupt? Should i be worried that it'l start happening again? I checked in ReSaver and there weren't any unatached script instances. I havent Renoved/added any mods since i started playing.


A few mods that i have that maybe can be affecting this"

Open cities Skyrim

Immersive citizens

Relationship dialogue overhaul


Helgen Reborn


I don't know why but i also decided to keep skyrim open allnight, to see if/when it would crash on an older unaffected save. I crashed after about 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Is that good/bad/normal?

Edited by Gutticool
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