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What homes ya recommend for me?


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as the title says, what player homes would you recommend for me?


I currently have legacy of the dragonborn so I dont need more storage, rather I'm looking for a place either in the rift, markarth, and falkreath


I'm looking for adoption support to send my kids there, as for my reasons why i wont use the built in room at the museum it's all part of my characters backstory!


after being kidnapped by astrid from the room in the museum she's a little... paranoid sleeping there now


She's a spell-thief through and through, assassination? Thievery? sure why not! and if we get hurt she has some restoration magic to heal herself and some illusion to hide her presence!


In short I need what is essentially a 'hideout'


something that appeals to both the rogue and magical aesthetic in me


also maybe something i can build up over time? It's not a necessity of course!


As for it being adoption friendly I'd like to think i'd be a little bit paranoid about my kid sleeping in an area where i myself was kidnapped ya know?


Besides all that ... extravagant waste.. can get to their heads, gotta teach a kid to survive and they can't do that if they live in a gilded cage


Anyway so any ideas? I'm open to all suggestions here! and even if it doesnt fit my criteria feel free to post your own favorites here! maybe it might appeal to me or give me an idea who knows?



also i travel around with kaidan, inigo, and m'rissi so naturally the house needs to be big enough they are not walking on each other

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My favorite Rift house is Blackthorn. It's actually a small town you build up over time, using a mechanic similar to how Hearthfires builds houses. The town is similar to Riverwood or Falkreath. The main house is very roomy with three floors with plenty of bed space for followers and kids. It also has another building for a Follower Barracks for even more space. Not sure it has the aesthetic you'd be wanting, though. Doesn't really scream rogue or magical.


Silverstead Manor is a nice Markarth home in a similar fashion, also with a small town built around it. Very Dwemer, as stuff tends to be around that part of the world.

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My favorite Rift house is Blackthorn. It's actually a small town you build up over time, using a mechanic similar to how Hearthfires builds houses. The town is similar to Riverwood or Falkreath. The main house is very roomy with three floors with plenty of bed space for followers and kids. It also has another building for a Follower Barracks for even more space. Not sure it has the aesthetic you'd be wanting, though. Doesn't really scream rogue or magical.


Silverstead Manor is a nice Markarth home in a similar fashion, also with a small town built around it. Very Dwemer, as stuff tends to be around that part of the world.



Oh i had those before!


I should take a look at them again sometime!

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