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If I was really rich... right now I would want to do what I think rich people would do if they could find someone to do it for them.


Have someone bath me, dress me, comb my hair, shave my beard off, brush my teeth, make me up to so I look so good I get my picture on the front page of the handsomest man of the year, feed me lunch, cutting the meat for me and spoon feeding me the gruel, holding the dinner glass with fine fresh drink in it, drying the dribble off my chin with a napkin, and then lifting me up and carrying me out to a Tesla Roadster 2020, set the auto pilot to take me to a movie, and then, they can watch it for me while I sleep in a soft lounge chair, and tell me what it was about and critic it for me so I will know whether it was worth it.




What lazy theme would you put together if you were so rich today Fort Knox was in your pocket and yours to spend?

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