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Mercenary Radiant Quests


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What I would like to do, if someone could help, as I've never modded a game, is to turn the Minutemen radiant quests into Mercenary radiant quests by taking Preston Garvey out of the equation and making the quests start and finish at the settlements. The recruiting dialogue would need to be removed and in lieu a reasonable payment for services instigated.


I know this will break the main game, but I guess, like many, I've played that many hours I'm no longer interested in the main quest line and just want to role play.

If no one has the patience to help me, but would like to use the idea and create their own mod that's ok as well, a mention in your credits will make me smile.

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  • 1 year later...

Might be a little late, but that sounds like an interesting idea. i might look into it as i don't have much time and my skill is limited.
i'l let you know if i see a way to get it done alright?

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