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Melons placing in mid air.


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So to put it simply I had the place everywhere mod which I was using though disabled after realising it was glitching the melons I was trying to place. I originally just launched fallout 4 instead of Fallout 4 SE though tried to disable it as well to see if that would work. Anyway now the melons and other objects are placing like this even with the mod disabled. Does anyone that knows a thing or two about modding know what I could do to fix it. Thanks

Edited by plasmahipp0
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The game wants to place things horizontally, even on a sloped underground. With F4SE, hitting either of the ctrl keys while in workshop mode will change the axis of rotation of an object so you can rotate plants along the X, Y and Z axis to be in line with the underground. Using the F2 key in F4SE will disable collision so you can let objects sink into the ground. Not handy for things that need NPC interaction, like crops, but it can also help.


In other words, when not using F4SE, don't put plants on a sloped underground or they will float.


Maybe have a look at the Ground mod to add all kinds of fertile soil blocks that have several crops snapping to them. Melons or gourds won't snap, but can still be placed on top. The soil blocks from Ground have nav-meshed sloped parts that can be snapped to the sides of the main blocks so settlers can easily access the blocks (Nav-meshed means containing navigation meshes. These are recognised by the game as something an NPC can follow/use to access tiles, doorways, roads and some such).

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