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Brainstorm new standalone mini-worldspace

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So i'm not familiar with too many new world space mods for Fallout 4 compared to some of the other older games. Certainly Cascadia and Miami are big ones in the works, but I'm thinking small scale. Something that might be standalone like those, but certainly small and beatable in a few hours. maybe just a few (3?) factions vying over something. The modding part would come later, right now just brainstorming right now locations/stories where a small project could work.


  • Stand alone
  • small (probably smaller than the DLC)
  • west coast/midwest/Texas/Canada/island? (im leaning towards Texas)
Edited by QuidProQuoBrute
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hi there -

I am in the process of sending a long-form NMM inbox to you.


I get what you're saying -

I like 'surrealistic, fictional or shorter-form standalone New Lands etc"

they can form story arcs and have patchwork quilt accreting over time,

but, sometimes you just don't feel like a whole new planets worth of new lands to explore.

you don't really want 80+ hours of Fanon in an alt-continuity taking up 20+ mod slots...

you just want a short-term 'mission between missions" or tangent.


"Meta-fiction (fiction within fiction)" locations are a staple,

as are "dream-realms" or Holotape stuff.


Community Resource "Remix Encouraged" New Lands,

via OpenGNU or CCA 3.0 RD-SA-Remix etc, those are awesome to see!

these have resulted in much more awesome collaborations and teamups from modders.

when you then compare all the versions of a locale in a 'meta-mod review vid',

you see the timelapse turnarounds and all the different versions, it's pretty cool.





I enjoy new-lands mods etc.

ToddsVille, MemoryDenVirtualHolodeck*,

The UnderBoston/ better aquatic spelunking (procedural iterative dungeons)

Wacky Wasteland Survival Realm, you name it.

The BountyBoard as intermittent ambient quests for bounties etc, that is also fun.


I think you'll enjoy looking into BlahblahDEEblahblah's "sketchland/flat land" etc.

New Lands can be as 'simple' as, 2D-3D decal appliques, old-school.

that's how the Theta-Tan Realm functions, etc. (Theta-Tans are "RadGhosts", only damageable via Rad Weaponry etc)


You can make the on-Entry event to a New Lands, be via a number of things

such as - a gamestate from a sidegame (such as a pipboy game highscore or 'cheat-code'),

a RuadHan2300 style door portal, + hidden move-to command, + "To-Screen overlay". <--- animated little "FMV" vids for the start of a quest-arc like an episode...

a book or note, 'fadeout"


Consider also, multi-modal companions,

such as the TARDIS, which is a vehicle, mobile settlement companion, <--- it is literally a rectangular prism with a door-portal lenticular-keyframed 360Vid attached to match the interior console room...

or WHIRLIGIG, which is a Vertibird/Caravan player home.



thanks to folks in AGI etc,

there are now ways to batch automate some of the mod making processes at multiple junctures.



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