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NPCs can't pathfind a literal duplicate of a vanilla Furniture object

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Hi guys,


I'm getting pretty frustrated with this one. The furniture I created was working great with all it's bells and whistles, but when it came time to have settlers interact with it, they failed. I know companions will literally tell you if they can't pathfind, so I tried asking Piper and sure enough, she bailed.

I thought maybe somehow in my bells and whistles process in the nif I somehow screwed up the nav or collision data, but no matter what I did, no pathfind.

At this point I decided to literally just duplicate the vanilla furniture form (the guard post) I was basing my nif off of (somewhat scornfully calling it "mmd_literallytheexactsamething") and sure enough, Piper couldn't pathfind to this vanilla duplicate object.


Does anyone know why this might be, and how to go about addressing it?


EDIT: Please ignore/delete this thread...I'm just really dumb.

Edited by mmdestiny
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