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Any mod like this one BUT


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actually makes lockpicking hard and gives you an incentive to take the perks? Beyond the first rank that you have to take to unlock the ability to try any lock, the lockpicking game is so easy I personally don't need to take any perks. I can't remember the name but before I wiped my computer and reinstalled everything I had another mod like this that let me attempt to pick master locks without even needing a single rank of the perk and I could pick master locks with very little trouble. I'd always have the cryolator before leaving vault 111.


I love the idea that you can try to pick any lock right from the start because that makes sense. Even if you suck at lock picking irl, there's no invisible force keeping you from trying to pick a lock if it's too complicated for you. My issue is that Bethesda has used this same lockpick mini game since Fallout 3 and after 10 years of it I'm so experienced I can almost do it blindfolded and go by the sound alone. I want to be able to try to pick any lock right from level 1 but I want it to be so difficult to pick master locks that I have an actual reason to take the perks that make picking locks easier.

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