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Player Home Hide out


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I'm looking for a player home that feels and looks more like a hide out, but a bit more sinister on the inside. Like the upstairs could look like Gerda's home or the Blacksmith's home in Riverwood. But, maybe there could be a basement or maybe a false back, that opens to a tunnel that leads to a secret hide out underneath. I also would like to find something that is vampire friendly (not overboard). I myself do not wish to play as a vampire. But, I'm also not a rude hostess towards my vampire guest. Morthal would seem the ideal place to hide out or to place some socially unacceptable followers, that would prefer to lay low and try not to attract to much attention to themselves. But, we know there are many places one could hide in plain sight. That was just a mere suggestion, that I thought might tickle some talented creators mind. There are simple looking homes, but they are intended for one player or for families with children in mind. I have those and I wish to keep them separate. There is no rest for the wicked. So, I am hoping someone would convert their made for multiple children room, into a followers version or inspire someone to create a player home from scratch, with these ideas in mind.

Edited by blackkat9
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