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Hello im sorry for asking this.. but requirements!?


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Hello fellow bethesda fans i need help with just 2 queastions.


Q.1 -. Do i realy need to download all the requirements thats listed in required under a mod?


Q.2 - And second how should i think when im doing my loading order? should i just think - (top load first then bottom last.)


Im quite new ore atleast it was long time ago so forgoten mutch how to do and need help. Sorry for mabye asking this stupid queastions but well here we are ^^

p.s spelling and grammar ain't my thing (dyslexia) so plz just let me be.


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im doing the load order more correct
i belive texeures is missing for me.. some floors and walls is missing in the (an other life )
some mods ain't working at all Like skyUI, and visiblefavorits

so going to read what you sent me and maybe i get it right.

will paste my loading order here if some one are willing to look at it.
Quick queastion does it exist a tread for that kind of forum teamwork?
to post your loading order if something wrong?.. nah! forget it.


Edited by danneo95
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OK i don't see anything wrong with your load order EXCEPT you have no bashed patch, with a load order that big you MUST have a bashed patch




not sure how you installed SKYUI, but you should be using and installing mods with NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/




go back and read the frostfall instructions, i don't think you need the campfire mod as the latest version of Frostfall now has it built in, that would very well cause you crashes


you may also no longer need the hunterborn / campfire patch, you'll have to read both of the descriptions pages to find out for sure, if nothing on the description pages check the file sections for both mods and see if there is a new patch offered by either author

Edited by gromulos
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it's not just leveled lists that Wrye adds in, just because that is all the box shows, don't be fooled. Wrye does things in the background that we as users never see


I've had direct conversations with both alt3rn1ty and Sharlikran about Wrye and TES5Edit as you can see if you read my guide


When you run Wrye for any game that it can manage, there are multiple options that you can use to rebuild the bashed patch, and there are also other things you can do within Wrye that most people don't even know about. I've rebuilt load orders successfully using nothing more than a persons saved game because the save keeps a running list of used mods, THAT is why you NEVER delete a mod from a play through unless you are making a new character / game


In all honesty a bashed patch should be used anytime you reach 3 or more mods used, for example


I had a guy who said he wasn't using a bashed patch because he was only using 3 mods exactly

I asked him which 3

he said Frostfall, RND ( Realistic needs and diseases ), and Vilja

3 of the most heavily scripted mods available for Skyrim lol

and he left out SKYui and the unofficial patch, which meant he actually had 5 installed


anyway just follow the guide and let me know if you need more help :)

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