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Hello im sorry for asking this.. but requirements!?


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Awser 1: I allways use Nexus Mod manager.

Awser 2: I have added the bashed patch to the bottom.

Awser 3 I will go try read the mods description better and see if i realy need all those mods if it´s not all ready in the other ones.


My game works well nothing i really bother me for except 2 gliches


Windhelm is flashing with the shadows sometimes tho not gamebreaking (guessing on enchanted light & fx was the problem but checked the mods bug reports and did not find anything. Will probably have to try shutting down things and check if it's still there and do it with every mod until it works.


sofia in wind helm (the child who sells flowers that you can adopt) I can see her face but there is some kind of texture glich so it will be a long blue stretch through the city sometimes .. haha ​​i know where she is! :laugh: but will link an image.
But back to the guide!
so I followed your guide until the step when im supposed to getting every mod green in Wrye Bash but I can not possibly get it right .. checked on mods pages loadorder guilds in the explanatory field but it will never be green anyway nothing worked ..

unfortunately, I'm such a person that I hang up myself..so can't keep going step by step before it does what the guide sayes it should. So, do not know if I'll just should keep going? ... BUT, whatsoever (Immersive Citizens) are getting orange in Wrye Bash, but in the game, i think it
´s working becouse people are going out and do random things.

Note: i just started and the game and i dont know witch glitches thats out there waiting for me but its working kinda fine so far so still dont know every detail of the world with the mods turned on.

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when you can get a mod to turn green simply by moving it up or down, that's when you use appendix 1 in Tes5Edit


it means that when the mod author made his or her mod, they had THEIR load order incorrect, so that basically EVERY person who uses their mod is using a mod that is requiring the incorrect load order

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