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I think I broke something.....


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And I am not sure how to fix it.

So I used to play on the xbox and decided to switch to the PC because of all the better mods.
Got all my mods loaded that I wanted to use, lots of CBBE and body slide stuff and exited the vault.

The raiders in Concord are purple skinned except for their faces which appear normal.

I made some changed in body slide and created a preset using save as....
I then did a Batch Build and selected everything and hit build. ( I suspect this is where I may have gone wrong)

After disabling all the mods and activating one by one starting with CBBE,and second with AWKCR appears to be the culprit.
So I deleted it and reinstalled it and I still have purple\pink raiders skin.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Edited by Gax63
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pretty sure purple textures are missing textures in FO4

this was the case in previous Bethesda titles

so it probably means you haven't installed your body textures properly somehow


other than that it doesn't sound like you made any mistakes

not sure I understand which mod you believe is the culprit , but it really depends on how you've installed these mods , and how you actually disabled them

because disabling a plugin won't necessarily stop the issue , especially if the mod is based around loose files (mods that come with archives require a plugin to load their assets , so disabling the plugin will stop the assets from being loaded into the game)


basically , explain with more details , as it is still a bit too vague to really help

but I would suggest that you find whatever mod you have that contains body textures , and make sure it is installed properly

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I am not blaming any mod, I am pretty sure I am the one that messed it up.
I am just trying to figure out how to fix it now.

I installed all of my mods before I exited the vault.
After I exited the vault I exited and saved the game.
I then went into bodyslide via the Nexus mod manager and created a custom preset using betterbodyphysics.
I then clicked on Batch Build and selected all of the things in the list which I think was the default when the screen came up. (Looked like a list of all the things...)

I then loaded the game back up checked out my new bod and headed to Concord where I found the purple skinned raiders.

When I disable AWKCR the skin is no longer pink.
I have DELETED CBBE and AWKCR and reinstalled them but I still have purple\pink skins.
I am still in Concord.

Does than explain it better?
And thank you for attempting to help.

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I'm using Windows 10 & modorganizer so sorry if this is confusing its the only way I know how to do it lol. Go to C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-\Tools\BodySlide (the [your username] must be replaced with your username obviously)


Copy all the folders (copy not move) in that folder, then you need to head on over to the AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\BodySlide and Outfit Studio\Tools\BodySlide folder and paste those copied folders in there. That should solve your problem, if it messes your game up then I'm sorry about that lol.


I was having the same issue and this solved it, with using AWKCR (cause its used for every armor mod on here) and Unique NPCs (among others).

Edited by Undeadbob666
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Yes if you have Unique NPCs you need to download all new textures, that are in the files section, for most mods there are instructions on how to install them. Those folders would be where ever NMM installs your mods. I use Unique NPCs and AWKCR with no problems, however I did install the correct texture pack also.

Edited by Undeadbob666
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yeah , that sounds like a likely cause for the issue


the thing about your report is that you need to take into account that BodySlide only handles female models

and since most of the raiders you'll see in game are male , if these have missing textures it sounds rather unlikely for BodySlide to be the cause

I only mention this to present something to consider when you are troubleshooting such errors in the future , as you can eliminate possibilities that way


so just go over and install one of the texture packs for Unique NPCs , reinstall AWKCR and test your game , and everything should work

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