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Moding Morrowind


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I need help from you guys.


I want to start moding Morrowind,I already have experience with Skyrim and Oblivion.so I don't want to make mistakes like I did with them.If you guys could give me some info on differences between Morrowind moding and Skyrim/Oblivion,something like what program to use NMM,MO or Wrye Bash.Sharing some useful links would be extremely helpful also.


Thanks in advance.

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The first thing you'll notice is that modding Morrowind is very different in comparison to the newer TES games.

  • Different records
  • Different mod user tools
  • Don't use NMM, MO, BOSS, LOOT or Wrye Bash


I think you can use NMM, but that's not recommended instead use Wrye Mash. Also, I've no idea if anyone are using MO for Morrowind or not and I doubt that MO would work.


You can forgot most mod user tools people are using for Oblivion and Skyrim, because those mod tools are not designed to work with Morrowind due to different records e.g FormID doesn't exist in Morrowind.


Both BOSS and LOOT doesn't work for Morrowind instead there is mlox to sort your loadorder.

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I used the 30 Minute Modding Guide and it worked great! This setup keeps a lot of the vanilla feel in that it doesn't alter gameplay much at all, but patches and fixes bugs, updates the menu UI, vastly improves water and sky graphics, and has a nice Watercolor texture package that makes the world look uniform. Also, MGE XE Distant Lands is awesome. Instructions are fairly easy to follow. Best of luck!



Edited by Bredwards621
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Thankyou Leonardo,This is very helpful.


I have one question,Is there something like Bashed Patch and Merged Patch for Morrowind?

Yes, there is a sort of a bashed patch for Morrowind. Although, it's called Mashed Lists.esp which only merge the levelled lists nothing else.


A merged patch also exist and that's the Merged Objects.esp and IIRC only TESTool and tes3cmd can create a Merged Objects.esp.



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I used the 30 Minute Modding Guide and it worked great! This setup keeps a lot of the vanilla feel in that it doesn't alter gameplay much at all, but patches and fixes bugs, updates the menu UI, vastly improves water and sky graphics, and has a nice Watercolor texture package that makes the world look uniform. Also, MGE XE Distant Lands is awesome. Instructions are fairly easy to follow. Best of luck!



If anyone wants to slow down, have low FPS, the game should read that guide. :tongue:

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