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Game won't start after installing Mods


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So I installed this game about a month ago and found it odd that it wouldn't permit using cheats. Long story short I ended up installing mods so I could carry more which came in handy while hunting (which worked). I also used the easy lockipicking cheat mod and the cheat mod.

I've been in holidays for 2 weeks now and now I'm back and tried to start the game, I clicked continue and it stopped loading after a few seconds. It froze and shut the game down. Does anyone know the solution to my problem? I tried moving the mods into the data folder instead of the mod folder, the game started but the mods weren't working.


For the easy lockpicking mod it says requires v1.6.2 when I checked my game I saw I'm using v1.6 but Steam doesn't show me any update options... So what should I do? If I use the older version of the mod it doesn't freeze nor does it work.

Edited by hasicam
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i had the same problem. it is because of the new 1.7 update. if steam updatedet or is waiting to update the game easy lockpicking won't work because it has not been patched for the 1.7 version.

i did not know what the problem was either until steam finally started the update.

i hope fireundubh doesn't wait to long to update the mod.

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