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Is this a bug or my mistake?


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Whenever I place a XMarkerHeading for some reason a lot of random stuff teleports to its location.

Is this a known bug? Or just my game? Or am I doing something wrong?


Thanks for your time!

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Sometimes I duplicate the xMarkers and the items, is that what causes it?


(Didnt mean to spam, just my bad internet made me press the post button many times)

Edited by buali
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Sometimes I duplicate the xMarkers and the items, is that what causes it?

Probably. I've had many quirky things happen when trying to copy assets. Theoretically you should be able to see all of its references in its edit dialogue, but I've found that the CK doesn't show you everything going on all the time. For example; I copied the alien cave as a starting point for an underground grotto and removed every single marker from the cell, yet every time I entered the cave in game I was awarded an item I could find no reference to and my character was stripped of her entire inventory. Including the item I just received. This persisted even after removing all attached scripts, quests, everything. After that I began starting everything from scratch. Takes a little more time initially, but it also makes finding any mistakes or whatever much easier.

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