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Just started creating my first mod for TES 3 and running into problems

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Guest deleted58756501

Hi I'm new to modding morrowind and just got the construction set today.


I wanted to mod in a custom weapon and started doing that. When I got to the part of selecting an inventory image I couldn't find any of the ones the other weapons where using. After some research I found that the other weapons all used .dds files while I could only select .tga files.

So now I need some help, could someone please tell me how to get around this.

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As far as I know you have to actually port the meshes from the .esm, or create your own 3d model for the weapon (I use blender and it works fine, I've made a ton of custom weapons).


I think this may be what you're looking for;




edit: the icons are in there as well.

Edited by AIgnatiousS
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Isn't there a drop down menu to select which file type you are looking for? (been a long time since I played with the Morrowind CS.)


Yes, when you click on the button to select an icon file for an item, there's a drop down menu with the choices "Morrowind DDS Icons (*.DDS)" or "Morrowind TGA Icons (*.TGA)".

For me, it's in the bottom right, next to the File Name line and above the Open and Cancel buttons.


Depending on how the game is installed, there may not be any icons in the Icons folder, since the vanilla assets are contained in bsa files. I have the old CDs, so the assets are on the Construction Set CD. You can also use a bsa unpacker to extract them from the bsa.

Edited by ProfArmitage
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