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Do tags added to mod catergories hide the mods? Gore etc


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My mod was up for a while in the Hot Mods section but last night or so, I edited the description and checked the box that says Extreme Gore / Violence.


I though it should be added to the mod even though it uses all Fallout 4 Vanilla assets.


What I am not sure about is that the extreme gore check box is in a subsection of selections titled Adult content.


I have seen some mods that definitely contain adult content on here..


So by checking that box, does that place my mod as hidden for those that don't choose to see adult content?


I had not opted into seeing adult content for about a year, until recently when I mod required CBBE. So I went for about a year not even knowing there was mods I wasn't seeing (most of which are probably better left locked away haha)


My Patch for the mod I made is still in the hot mods section but the mod itself has been taken down from there.


So does it now only show for people who have opted into seeing the adult content mods?

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pretty sure it will only be hidden to those that have the Extreme Violence / Gore tag selected in their Content Blocking


i am pretty sure it is on a per tag basis, as it is required that the author adds all required tags to make the mod completely hidden to those that do not wish to see adult content.


Example, Having Extreme Violence / Gore tag selected in their Content Blocking but not Nudity, would still allow people to see adult content, but not gore

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