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Request: squadsight-providing Scanning/Scouting Protocol


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This request is for a GREMLIN ability that functions similarly to Scouting Protocol (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1254143639), except any units revealed by the GREMLIN also become eligible as Squadsight targets. The idea is the GREMLIN acts as a spotter for the sniper.


If possible, the GREMLIN should also hang out at the targeted area for more than one turn (or indefinitely) instead of returning to the soldier immediately, until another GREMLIN ability is used. ie, it acts like a vision tower.


If possible, the GREMLIN should also provide an Aim or other sensible bonus against units in the scanned area. ie, it's marking those units for the squad.


ini parameters are appreciated for scan radius and cooldown vs charges, for each level of GREMLIN. Additional parameters might include number of turns it hangs out at the targeted spot, and stat bonuses provided, per level of GREMLIN.


Thanks in advance.



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