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Can we please go back to NMM?


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Hi, I personally, really really don't like Vortex, fixing it is confusing, people are still learning so I can't get help with my problem and personally I preferred NMM, so can you either drop vortex? or add support for NMM as well as Vortex? cause Vortex just doesn't want to work.

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you don't understand the state of NMM , so let me clarify

while the Nexus team no longer supports it , it is still being supported , just on a different site

you can get the latest version of NMM here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases

that is also where you'll find the team which currently supports or works on NMM , so if you need something regarding NMM that's where you need to go

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just recently tried to setup Vortex and so far I am annoyed that it claims my NMM configuration is corrupt and will not let me import a list of mods that it obviously can see. NMM is running fine, so idk what corruption it is talking about. Looks like I will have to re-download a large number of mods, install, and configure them before I can get back to actually playing the game. Because of this, I have shelved Vortex and continue to use NMM.


Until I can gracefully switch over to Vortex from NMM; I don't consider it very good. Maybe I will try Mod Organizer.

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you need to do something called "research". First, you need to research why Vortex is telling you your NMM config is corrupt. Here's a helpful hint to get you started - Vortex isn't doing it out of spite.

Second, you need to research how you can transition from NMM to Vortex without breaking your current play through of whatever game it is you're playing. Here's a helpful hint to get you started - take backups, and look on you tube for videos about vortex, what it does, how it does it, why it's different from NMM.

After you've done that, you should look to install vortex, then, verify it's working. Then try and use it to install a single mod. Once you've got it to do that, look at deploying that mod, and understand what deploy does and how it does it. then start your game, and check that the game loads successfully, and the mod you deployed is part of that game.

then repeat that, one mod at a time, until you are comfortable with what happens.

Then look at what happens if/when you purge a mod. again, do this until you fully understand what it is you're doing and why you're doing it.

after you've done all that, you should have a better understanding of vortex, how it differs from nmm, and how those diferences can help you modding in the future, which should help you attain your goal of gracefully switching over from nmm to vortex.



I don't need a definition of 'research' and obviously applications don't have feelings and are incapable of spite.


The point I was making is that it is hard to switch over because you have to invest so much time into it. I have a plethora of Fallout 4 mods I like to switch around and I feel like I could spend weeks trying to get everything backed up, re-downloaded, reconfigured, and tested. Sure, maybe something did happen to NMM's configuration, but I disagree with "spend hours on YouTube to figure it out" approach to end-user support. On one hand there is a push to get people to switch to Vortex, but on the other the ability for Vortex to make transition seamless isn't quite where it needs to be.


Essentially, if it could handle errors better on it's own, or even automate re-download of detected but 'corrupt' mods; I would be happier with the software. It shows me a list of all my mods, it just won't let me import them.

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ok well here's the thing - i was in your exact position previously. i did my "research" and i did exactly what i wrote in my reply. i thought it would be helpful for you.


in 45 minutes, not hours as you assert (based on what, exactly?), i had transitioned from nmm to vortex - fully. 170-something mods doing exactly what i wrote. No magic, no science, just try it once, see what happens, try it again, see what happens. deploy it see what happens - purge it see what happens. poke around a bit - see what happens. what was the worst thing i could do? have to restore from a backup. no biggie.


some other points for you, as you seem to want to peddle fallacies for some odd reason;


there is no "push" from anyone - this is clearly discussed in a lot of places - and it is clearly stated if you don't need to move to vortex, then don't - the team behind vortex cannot be any clearer than that


vortex does handle errors and handles them very well.


your mods are not corrupted, your NMM configuration of your mods is corrupted. massive difference.


you say the transition from nmm to vortex isnt seamless but you havent done it yet, so what is that claim based on?


i did the transition from nmm to vortex and i found it went seamlessly for me - but then i did that whole research thing, and, to be fair, i didnt have a corrupted mod config.

if you have a corrupted config, then using nothing but common sense, that will tell you seamless is going to be off the table, because you are going to want to try to install something that is broken into vortex and vortex is not going to allow you to do that - which is what you want from a mod manager - that is a good thing.


if you have a list of all your mods - then why don't you do what i suggested - make a back up of everything - fire up vortex and set it up, but set it up correctly following the guides and the myriad of posts where people ask the same question repeatedly about what paths to use and so on, then download and install 1 mod from your mod list and see what happens? that will take you probably less time than it took you to write your reply.


or - don't do any of it and stick with nmm. you won't be in any worse position than you are now.


I understand what is needed to get it up and running. I am saying it isn't currently worth my time. The way you word things feels like a mix of helpful and condescending, which is why I felt the need to reply at all. As for my use of 'push'. Maybe it was hyperbole, but it wasn't fallacy. They replaced Download NMM with Download Vortex, started making videos about switching, etc.. feels like a bit of a push to get people to switch to me. Either way, you have soured me to continuing this discussion, so I am going to step away.

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