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Starting a quest on Chem usage


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So name is somewhat self explanatory, I've created a chem that when used turns the player into a superhuman. there's an accompanying quest that is also meant to activate when the player is "superhuman", My transform script works completely as I intended, so does my quest; though the only way to start the quest currently is through console commands. I tried adding some relevant lines to my transformation script but it doesn't seem to make very much difference. Here is my script:

Scriptname SHSS_FEVTransformationScript extends activemagiceffect

Race Property SHSS_SuperhumanRace auto
Quest Property SHSS_FEVQuestTimer01 auto

Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

As you can probably see I'm not a pro at papyrus by any stretch of the imagination, I found the call to quest line "[Quest Name].Setstage(1)" from looking through papyrus reference on the ck website but I'm clearly not using it right or things would be working by now.
How can I alter this script to make it run. Or would I be better off attaching another script directly to the object so that my transform script is still on the MGEF, but there is a second script on the "Potion" that runs quest on object init. Maybe there's another much simpler method that I'm missing?

<nb> Adding a duration to my MGEF is not ideal as that appears to use real-time and I want my effect to wear down during game-time progression.

Edited by Shoneah0Tokala
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Also I'd like to point out that I've tried a couple of variations such as

"Game.GetQuest(SHSS_FEVTQuestTimer01).SetStage(1)", "Game.SetStage(SHSS_FEVQuestTimer01, 1)", "Game.GetQuest().SetStage(SHSS_FEVQuestTimer01, 1)", "Game.GetPlayer().SetStage(SHSS_FEVQuestTimer01, 1)"

Evidently these didn't work either :/

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