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I Want A "New" Game. Suggestions?


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I love Skyrim, but I don't really play it anymore. I just mod it and take screens mostly. I'd like to get a game to actually play. I'd like an RPG with sci-fi elements but I'm open to other styles of game play. Anyone have any suggestions/thoughts?




These are the candidates I've been looking at so far.



No Mans Land: Looks cool, but I hear this one can be a bit of a grind.


Shadowrun Returns and the sequels: Looks like fun for an older game and the turn base strategy would be a change of pace from Skyrim.


Fallout 4: I enjoyed FO3 and would like to play FO4, just not sure how it will run on my PC.


Fallout 3: I loved this game on Xbox 360 and would loved to have a tricked out, high res version to play with. Though I'll have to mess with it to get it to run on Windows 10. Also I'll likely end up modding it more than playing it.




System Specs:

HP Omen 17-w033dx laptop

6th gen i7-6700HQ 2.6 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965m 4 Gb


1080 Monitor, 60Hz


Basically I'm looking for something to keep me entertained until I save enough for a new gaming tower.




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Your machine should run FO4 without too much trouble. Certainly has the hardware for it. It's been out for a while now, so there is a REALLY good selection of mods available, you can customize the game to your liking, then, you can mod it up yourself as well. :)

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Thanks for the response. I'm definitely tempted by FO4 . I've had my cursor over the add to cart button more that once. My machine runs a tricked out SSE ok. I think any framerate issues I have are most likely due to the power adapter being somewhat weak (150 watts). I wish HP would make a 180 watt for this laptop. It came with a 120 watt that I had to upgrade after a BIOS update, which I guess made some changes to power distribution.


Word of advice: Gaming laptops may not be the best investment. I wish I had spent the money on a tower.

Edited by TheWilloughbian
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