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Delay Meeting Preston Mod


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Is there a mod out there that delays the whole Meeting Preston garvy thing?. what i mean is when you go to concord that whole scene where Preston's getting attacked by raiders just isn't activated when you get near the area. and you can loot the museum of freedom and get the bobble head and Power armor and then when you get to like...idk lvl 10/15 at least, and then venture near Concord again THEN it starts and you can do that whole thing again.

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YOu don't need a mod, just don't go to Concord.
Or, Go to Concord, loot the museum, pick up the Perception Bobblehead and leave, while hearing Preston say "That's it? You're just gonna walk away?"

Those idiots will STILL be there if you decide to go back no matter what level you are.
One of My games, I went and got the Bobblehead and never rescued the minutemen, I left Marci and Yung, Mama, Preston, and WhatsHisName rotting in the Museum.

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YOu don't need a mod, just don't go to Concord.

Or, Go to Concord, loot the museum, pick up the Perception Bobblehead and leave, while hearing Preston say "That's it? You're just gonna walk away?"


Those idiots will STILL be there if you decide to go back no matter what level you are.

One of My games, I went and got the Bobblehead and never rescued the minutemen, I left Marci and Yung, Mama, Preston, and WhatsHisName rotting in the Museum.


Well, i want to....erm...well sort of i want to do ....uhm...ah-hm, i wan't to do a few things for the minute men...at .. least...ah, kind of..but i just want that whole business to be put on hold for a bit so i can get some levels. and loot the Museum and not meet them quite yet, thats all. maybe get Sanctuary up and bustling before they even arrive.

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YOu don't need a mod, just don't go to Concord.

Or, Go to Concord, loot the museum, pick up the Perception Bobblehead and leave, while hearing Preston say "That's it? You're just gonna walk away?"


Those idiots will STILL be there if you decide to go back no matter what level you are.

One of My games, I went and got the Bobblehead and never rescued the minutemen, I left Marci and Yung, Mama, Preston, and WhatsHisName rotting in the Museum.


Well, i want to....erm...well sort of i want to do ....uhm...ah-hm, i wan't to do a few things for the minute men...at .. least...ah, kind of..but i just want that whole business to be put on hold for a bit so i can get some levels. and loot the Museum and not meet them quite yet, thats all. maybe get Sanctuary up and bustling before they even arrive.



Just go around shooting and looting. All you need is local leader to set up trade routes, you don't have to meet Garvey until you're ready. One play through I had 15 settlements up and running before I went to save his butt. If you do that I suggest getting a mod that stops or slows down his never ending rants about somebody needing help. There is no one single correct way to play Fallout 4. Make a save you can go back to if you don't like something, and go do it differently if you want.

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Just go around shooting and looting. All you need is local leader to set up trade routes, you don't have to meet Garvey until you're ready. One play through I had 15 settlements up and running before I went to save his butt. If you do that I suggest getting a mod that stops or slows down his never ending rants about somebody needing help. There is no one single correct way to play Fallout 4. Make a save you can go back to if you don't like something, and go do it differently if you want.



But i would have to make a conscious effort to ignore the gunfire i hear when i pass by the place on my way to places beyond. And you know me (my character) being an ex military sniper and all that tries to help people, might think theres trouble afoot and head on in and take care of those filthy bandits. i mean i wouldn't shy away from a little combat like some kind of coward i would head on in and put some new holes in those sons a bitches, but that brings me in contact with that Preston maggot. if someone could just make a little mod that disables that little scenario for a little while that would be lovely.


or better yet tell me how to do it and i'll do it myself.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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Well, anyway what you are wanting involves a complex rats nest of interdependent quests and a couple of massive game triggers:


MQ102/MIN00/DN092/DialogueConcordArea (MQ102.55 is where it all kicks off)


Having written non invasive delay and bypass wrappers for most of the base game main quests, this one is too nasty. It would be trivial if you can find someone who is OK with hacking base game scripts though.

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Well, anyway what you are wanting involves a complex rats nest of interdependent quests and a couple of massive game triggers:


MQ102/MIN00/DN092/DialogueConcordArea (MQ102.55 is where it all kicks off)


Having written non invasive delay and bypass wrappers for most of the base game main quests, this one is too nasty. It would be trivial if you can find someone who is OK with hacking base game scripts though.


Ehee gads really?...sigh it just can't be...erm somewhat simple-ish can it? :/ well thats f*#@'in stupid. I'm looking at the page you noted in your last post.. pff yeah thats ..A BIT beyond my skill.. :/ Like you would have to rewrite the part where You and codsworth go kill the bugs and end that little quest there and then set a small level requirement for the next bit. sigh smh :/

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Actually, just had a poke and there are a number of massive trigger boxes around concord that kick the quest stages. If you can get at them you may be able to disable and enable then from the console:


disable 0001d2c0 ;MQ102SetStage55Trigger01REF

disable 0001d2c2 ;MQ102SetStage55Trigger02REF

disable 0001d2c3 ;MQ102SetStage55Trigger03REF
disable 0001d2c4 ;MQ102SetStage55Trigger04REF
disable 0001d279 ;MQ102SetStage60TriggerREF
If the response involves "enable state parents" you cant control 'em
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