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Chance of None option in LL

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I believe the chance of none value needs to be set to 255 for spawns to be completely zero chance Is this correct?


Reason I believe this is that you can enter a value upto 255 but on 256 it resets the value back to default. Also, In the past having things set to 100 chance of none would still see them spawn, but that possibly could have been another LL that added the same item, idk.


I couldn't find this info on the CK wiki pages.

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As part of a loot reduction system I added a ChanceNone global variable to all top level Container_Loot* level lists.

Tested for appropriate operation on values from 0 to 100, of course results are inverse of the value.

You probably have a hierarchy or nesting issue.

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Ok thanks. I always feel like I need a PHD when coming to this section of the forums, lol. But I am fairly sure you are saying it is actually percentage based and only values from 0-100 should apply.


I read that you tested 0-100 but not what your results were. But with the added suggestion of of Hierarchy or nesting issue (A LL conflict I am guessing? Or a LL that that has duplicated the item that I missed, many seem to have the same items multiple times?)


Or does it mean a global value that overrides all singular Chance of None entries within a LL, For example Global set to 50 chance of none, but items within the LL have varying Chance of none. I thought maybe that would start the chance at 50 and then lower it further for the selection of each item?


For something like Medkit I set the global to 50 then add varying Chance of None to medical items. Bandages, Cloth, other basic items I want to be found more commonly than Stimpacks or ABX.

Does setting the Global value to begin with defeat the purpose and override all other numbers?


The more times I type global the more it feels like this should have been obvious. lol

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So I don't know how the manual UI boxes work but with a ChanceNone global variable applied to the level list:

pChanceNone.Setvalue(0) is 0% chance of no item = in outcomes that 100% chance of an item. You will always get something from that list if level conditions are met.

pChanceNone.Setvalue(100) is 100% chance of no item = in outcomes thats 0% chance of an item. You will NEVER get something from that list even if level conditions are met.

The concept of "Chance none" is a horrible language inversion, but clean in math/logic. If you have lists in nested/hierarchy with chance none attached at multiple levels you will need a spreadsheet to model the final outcomes.

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Spreadsheet is probably a practical idea. Thanks again. Yeah it wasn't the double negative throwing me but more how LL operate. Looking back, I may have found the answer in a previous question where I asked if chance Of None stacks.


I believe the answer was no. And I actually was confusing what is probably the total LL Chance of none (listed at the top of a LL as LVLD- Chance of None) with Use Global, Sorry. Please be patient with me. haha. It's possible this modding stuff is not meant for me.


So you have you Overall LVLD - Chance of None of 50 at the top, say for a medkit, The game dice rolls on that chance and if unsucceful, the medkit remains empty.


If successful, then it checks each item in the LL for count or player level etc depending on what flags are checked. Any extra Chance-of-None percentages will be re-rolled if the game decides to choose an item with an individual Chance of None attached to it. I think this is what I am understanding..



I will use a couple of screen shots coz its easier. Remember , I have no idea what I am doing really. lol.


In this example the LL_Stimpack_15 is set to a 85% chance of none in the Frost Column. I guess meaning that there's a 15% chance of an item. All items in the list are set to a zero Chance of None meaning if the 15 percent chance dice roll is initially successful, I will got one item from the leveled list. The choice is based on how many of the same item are in the list, more = more chance and items with a lower level than current player level. All items are set to Level 1, so Player level shouldn't matter anymore.


Now, There is one item I edited just for examples sake in a patch further along. The BloodPack item has now a 20% chance of none. So I am guessing once the initial dice roll happens of 85% C.O.N If I get past that and into the LL, That 85% C.O.N is no longer going it have any impact. The game chooses an item from the LL and if landing on the BloodPack, it has an 80% chance of spawning?


https://imgur.com/a/8w0oqCy I feel Like, As long as I understand this the way I think I do, that part is kinda easy.


So part two is when a LL use LVLG Use Global. I am guessing this is more to do with script, So atm it's gonna be all over my head But I notice some entries like this with Horizon, where it uses a Dynamic LL Global entry.


The Chance of None is still set to 100 at the top, and Horizon does add items, both new and vanilla the these LL's I would have thought adding 100 C.O.N would defeat the purpose of adding items to the LL? Or is just how the script works?


In this shot you can only see vanilla items in the Horizon list, but further down, many new items are added.








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