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This image of the universe as a texture for eyes?


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Hello, I'm wondering if it'd be possible to take this image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/90/1e/3b901e8be2425248ae4bb4330c7c2d00.jpg


And make it into an eye texture?


It's the observable universe squeezed into one image, with our solar system at the center, and I know it sounds weird, but I want my character to have it as their eyes. I think it'd be cool if it can be pulled off properly. Is it possible?


I know it might look weird, but I don't mind, and if you need a smaller or bigger image, there are plenty of different sizes if you google search the image.


If anyone thinks they can make it happen, please do!

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Just decided to do this for you. Also wanted to just take a look at how eyes worked. lol


I am noticing, no matter which compression (I think the dds options are compressions, anyway) option I choose to save it, it loses a fair amount of quality. I have never noticed this before but on something small like an eye you can see it more.


tbh though, the end product will be tiny and look mostly black. you will never be able to see its a galaxy. lol


The one inside the small window is after it has been saved. the other is original.


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