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System for syncing Actor Values with Global Values


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I'm trying to develop a system where I can sync actor values with global values so perk effects can be modified very fluidly (since perk formulas can utilize actor values, whereas if I want to use Global values, I'd need to attach a condition to check that global value and make a perk entry for each global value possibility, which can be numerous depending on range of input values).


This system is to be used in conjunction with MCM, which will modify the global value. My initial lead was to use MCM's custom event "OnMCMSettingChange", but this seems like a dead end as if this can help me, I can't figure out how to utilize it correctly.


In this instance, I was hoping to avoid simply using OnTimer to constantly check whether the values matched, even though this would be simpler.


My current attempt script, I'm sure I did something wrong here. A lot of it was piggy-backed from example script here: GitHub: MCM wiki



Scriptname JacksScripts:JFORMCMScript extends Quest

Actor Property PlayerRef auto
GlobalVariable Property GVFoodHealMultDur auto
ActorValue Property AVFoodHealMultDur auto

Event OnQuestInit()
    RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnPlayerLoadGame")
    Debug.Notification("JFOR MCM Quest Script Initiated")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
    Debug.Notification("JFOR MCM Script: Player Loaded")

Function RegisterCustomEvents()
    RegisterForExternalEvent("OnMCMSettingChange|JFO_Rebuild", "OnMCMSettingChange")
    Debug.Notification("Registered JFOR for OnMCMSettingChange")

Event OnMCMSettingChange(string modName, string id)
    Debug.Notification("JFOR's MCMSettingChange activated!")
    If PlayerRef.GetValue(AVFoodHealMultDur) != GVFoodHealMultDur.GetValue()
        PlayerRef.SetValue(AVFoodHealMultDur, GVFoodHealMultDur.GetValue())
        Debug.Notification("Values did not match and were adjusted...")



Compile error states: "new event onmcmsettingchange cannot be defined because the script is not flagged as native"

So the main question is: Can I use "OnMCMSettingChange" to catch when a global value gets change by MCM, then modify actor values accordingly, or is this not possible and I should rely on "OnTimer" to constantly check for changes to global value?


Any help is appreciated.

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I look at the source code of the F4SE's papyrus scripts, looking for some comments about RegisterForExternalEvent because there's nothing in creationkit.com, and found out this:

; Callback is the function name that is called when the event is triggered
Function RegisterForExternalEvent(string eventName, string callback) native

Then I searched on google for OnMCMSettingChange, and I landed on this page: https://github.com/Neanka/MCM_0.1_AS3/wiki/Advanced-Papyrus-Integration

It seems you should define a function as callback instead of an event:

Function OnMCMSettingChange(string modName, string id)
    If (modName == "MCM_Demo") ; if you registered with OnMCMSettingChange|MCM_Demo this should always be true
        If (id == "control_id")
            Debug.Notification("control_id value was changed!")

Edited by DieFeM
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