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Need load Order Help


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oh and the ESLs aren't moveable have to literally type those in by hand to get them any where else and only use esl's that are sim city plans or replace the go to plugin for the mod but don't have all of it's files so are those fine as is?

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Well, what mod manager are you using, NMM or Vortex? Your load list might be hard to change around. Your settlementkeywords.esm should be above simsettlements.esm. The .esl's should be listed at the bottom. I am wondering what your problem really is. However, I might be able to offer some advice. The Rotc sim settlement stuff you may want to consider merging them together, or finding out if there is an all in one package. That would reduce the amount of mods listed.


Personally, I use Mod Organizer 2, so moving things is a bit easier.

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use the normal NMM because vortex almost completely screwed me when i tried it and most other mod managers don't have all features i need and user friendly ness and such so ya can't move esl's in the manager can copy paste them lower in order text file though to see if that can do it

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