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Need help fixing Object mod


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Hey there Modders,


so im fairly new to Modding and learned a lot of stuff on my own.

But now i need a little help with something.


I've got a custom Mesh of a Weapon seperated in pieces. Like lower Receiver, upper Receiver, Magazine, etc.

I got the BGSM files and the Textures and they work fine.

My Problem is that in CK the Textures of my Upper Receiver with Scope show up just fine.

But when I load up my Game and craft that Object mod to use it, my Magazine turns invisible and the Scope is invisible too.


I tried to figure it out on my own for a few Days now. But everything I tried didn't work.

It would be really nice if someone, more experienced than i am could help me fix this.



Thanks to everyone who tries to help me.

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You said that the other parts turn invisible? If you put back the original receiver do they show up again? It sounds like you may be either missing the connect point parents or children.

Can you give a link to the files?


Doing modular weapons is a very delicate thing. Your base weapon record will have a dummy receiver file typically. Then your object template will attach the real receiver, grip, and other bare minimum parts. Each of the object mods for the parts will reference a nif with the part. Each of those nifs of parts has to have an appropriate parent and/or child nodes for them to attach to others.

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Ok so it's kind of a mess. Couple things.

  1. You don't have connect points to enable this to be modular.
  2. Your nif hierarchy is messed up. You have a collision object outside the main NiNode.
  3. You're using offset translations. If you get the connect points working you want the connect point parent to be at the offset mount position. Then the child loads it's 0,0,0 at the parent position and rotation.

The way this is normally done is your weapon record will point to a dummy nif which has a parent node for the receiver. Almost every FO4 gun uses one of a few dummy receiver nifs. Before you start trying to fix yours it would be worthwhile to go through a vanilla weapon and understand how the design is put together. My go to weapon is the 10mm pistol.


Take a look at the vanilla one Weapons\10mmPistol\10mmRecieverDummy.nif. The important stuff is the BSConnectPoint:Parents. That has a P-Receiver node. The parent of the dummy is generally at 0,0,0 because it's a dummy. Just used to mount other stuff in its place.


Now if you look at the receivers for the 10mm gun they point to Weapons\10mmPistol\10MMPistol.nif. Which has a BSConnectPoint:Children and a node called C-Receiver. See a pattern here? Parents have a variable named P-something, then the children have C-something. The same nif also has BSConnectPoint:Parents which adds the magazine, barrel, scope, and other nodes. Then when other OMODs are attached to the weapon, the nifs that are brought with them attach to an existing parent node. If you turn on the visibility of the connect points in NifSkope you'll see a bunch of the parent nodes, their position, and rotation. It may take some experimenting of your own to get them in the right places.


I won't be able to get more in depth than that. I'd suggest searching for some youtube videos or tutorials for connect points. I'd probably stay away from the workshop building ones. The workshop furniture stuff isn't entirely relevant. They'll show at least how to copy and set up the parent nodes. But workshop item snapping is handled very differently than weapon modularity.


One key thing to remember when you copy the parent/child node blocks around. Make sure their names remain the same. Parents are CPA, children are CPT. They also must be directly under the base NiNode, and listed in the properties under "Extra Data List". If you look at vanilla nif references you'll quickly understand.

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