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How do I get CBBE textures to load on CBBE.obj file in photoshop?

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I really need help basic texturing editing.


Alright, so I have been trying to load my cbbe body as a obj into photo shop and it does, then I add a dds texture, but the body simply goes darker.


What I think is going wrong is, when I load the CBBE body into another program like mudbox, it tells me http://prntscr.com/lh6pwz that the UV set is incomplete. I do not know how to work with UV's and I think that since it doesn't has any, that's why textures don't load on the body. If I put a texture on it in mudbox the body just goes brown. Can someone help me please! I know, I can get the dds texture in Photoshop, but thought it be easier to load the body then apply the cbbe texture and edit it that way, so I wouldn't make so many mistakes.


This is http://prntscr.com/lh6qgi what happens when I load the body then apply the texture after.

Edited by Icantstopmoddinghelp
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