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Is a Tale of Two Wastelands 2 possible?


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so i've had this idea floating around: fallout 76 adds a LOT of new content to fallout 4 and since they are essentially the same engine i was wondering if it were possible to take 76's world, assets, enemies, weapons, and everything else and port it to fallout 4, allowing people to play both games inside of 4 without the online?

i'm not an expert at this kind of thing but if it were similar to TTW all it would take is a legal copy of both games and a way to plug 76's data into the creation engine


just speculating honestly. i dread playing 76 and i feel life if i could play it alone with my own modpack and none of the changes it brought i would have a lot more fun with it


hopefully if it CAN be done i planted the seeds for it's existence

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The more interesting question is if it is allowed to do this, which it is not. TTW is possible because all assets can be reused in both engines. This isn't true for FO4/FO76, meshes are different, Form version is different, worldspace geometry is new... so, you can't just feed FO76 assets into FO4 and hope it will work. You would need to convert the assets and that is forbidden by the CK's license contract as well as most modding sites terms of use.


Also, SKK50 has made a perfectly valid FO76 mod for FO4. You could just use that instead.

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