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Script error question


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I've been having problem compiling a script I mashed up for my PRCSCR, I keep getting a parsing variable list error in Line 23. I don't really know what that means, tbh. :(


Line 23 is "object oElfMessenger = UT_GetNearestObjectByTag(oPC, sElfMessenger);"

I've never had problems using that one in similar scripts,

//string used for HumanMageOrigin
const string sMageINI = "bhm100ar_tower_level_1";
const string sLeandraLetter = "hg_htc_pc_mageini";
const resource rLeandraLetter = R"hg_htc_pc_mageini.utp";

//string used for all Origins
const string sElfINI = "pre100ar_kings_camp";
const string sElfMessenger = "hg_htc_cr_elfmessini";
const resource rElfMessenger = R"hg_htc_cr_elfmessini.utc";

#include "plt_hg_htc_pl_core" 
#include "wrappers_h"

void main()
    object oMainControlled = GetMainControlled();
    //variables used for HumanMageOrigin
    object oLeandraLetter = UT_GetNearestObjectByTag(oPC, sLeandraLetter);
    object oMageINI = GetObjectByTag(sMageINI)
    //variables used for all origins
    object oElfMessenger = UT_GetNearestObjectByTag(oPC, sElfMessenger);
    object oElfINI = GetObjectByTag(sElfINI);
        //Spawn Leandra Letter at Mage Quarters
        if (!IsObjectValid(oLeandraLetter))
            location lSpawn = Location(oMageINI, Vector(33.238,-18.4668,0.431346), -205.2296);
            CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, rLeandraLetter, lSpawn);          
        //Spawn Messenger at Ostagar
        else if (!IsObjectValid(oElfMessenger))
            location lSpawn = Location(oElfINI, Vector(627.996,547.115,5.10486), 75.7);
            CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, rElfMessenger, lSpawn);          

I'm still learning my way around scripting, any help and guidance is greatly appreciated. :)




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You haven't defined oPC and instead used oMainControlled. So everything calling (oPC, whatever) needs to be changed to (oMainControlled, whatever) or oMainControlled needs to be changed to oPC.
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Thanks for the reply LadyHonor, I did not notice I had forgotten to define the oPC. :thumbsup:



Anyway, I changed it back, but I still get the parsing error. I tried using oMainControlled instead, but I still get the same result. :sad:



Finally found the problem, my line 20 didn't have a semi colon at the end. :facepalm:

Edited by hardarg
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