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So I have had a look around and seen some great mods but I am looking for something very specific (probably too specific). It would be great to see some mods with the two armours attached. One is an Anglo-Saxon warrior but because of their similarities in dark age Europe, look very similar to norse warriors so I feel this would roleplay very well, especially as a thegn or huscarl. The second (purple) is an anglo saxon varangian guard (there are many other similar varangian guards from other places which would also be great with this as several armour sets) and this/these would make a great roleplay armour for nords serving the empire as the real history behind the varangians was quite similar.


Thanks for reading, know it's rather long and a bit historical, know its quite a generalisation too but you get the idea. I also know there are similar mods to what I am suggesting but again nothing so specific.



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