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Skyrim is one of my all time favorite games and mods are one of the best things about ranging from altering gameplay to creating entire new worlds. Now with highly innovative mods such as "Path of the Anti-Mage" by the talented Drazhar753 has me wondering what more can we do. Then, an idea came to mind, what if we had the supers from Destiny 2 in Skyrim; I'm talking like the Fists of Havoc, the Shadowshot, the Dawnblade, the Sentinel, the Hammer of Sol, the Spectral Blades, the Blade Barrage(granted that one would need some tweaking aside from it), the Siege Hammer, the Nova Bomb, etc, etc.

The possibilities for at least half of those powers are something to dream about being in Skyrim and with how advanced the comunnity is right now it may just come true for a selection of these and hell you can also make lore friendly stories for maximum immersion for these mods.

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  • 4 weeks later...

DUDE IM IN i woild love this even if its the d1 base supers like fist of havoc blade dancer/shadow shot and nova bomb/self res(the solar for warlock) would be fun as hell and make some fights easier but at the same time could be linked to a class based system ie you cant have all 3 but you could choose your class power when the mod/new game starts up and only have that also giving it to random npcs like the brother hood would mostly have shade step/blade dance orcs looking for a glorified death could have fist of havoc and random black cults could use the self res/nova bomb making them even harder and the higher the game difficulty the more frequently there used oust side of you using them

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