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I love the replay-ability of fo4, and when I gave fo76 a chance, I learned some things I would love to see in fo4. (please don't ask how I feel about fo76) In fo4 you start off knowing how to build anything and everything and with some things locked behind perks, all you needed to do was level up, get the perk and then make them ex: chemistry stations. I like the immersion that plans and recipes in fo76 provide as you would start off knowing nothing, and then going to loot in the world to learn knew things in a different way. Through this way if you didn't know how to craft a certain mod, trading with NPCS would be more important as they might sell a certain weapon mod that you don't have. BOOSTS IMMERSION!


Some ideas how this could work:


These plans could be represented as blueprints such as the artillery blueprint from the castle. It would be a lot of work but could copy, rename and assign them to a different mod or craft-able item?


Plans and recipes could be found out in the world either through immersive placement, EX: plan to build a chemistry station could be found in a hospital.


They could also be found in the level lists of different enemies:


Raiders would have variations of crafting for pipe weapons, gunners to combat rifles etc, and legendaries would have worthy plans for everything.


I am not a modder and I am not sure how difficult this would be, but I wonder if you could data mine a little in fallout 76 and see how their plan system works? Not sure though.


I would love to help, however I am not sure where you would even start, please let me know your thoughts.

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  • 5 months later...

Had a short discussion about this about a year ago here. Basically, it'd be a relatively easy, but very time consuming mod to make. I still have it on my 'possible future mods' list, but sadly my time to mod has been significantly cut down since last November or so.

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I have this in a mod I've been working on for ages, and can probably break it out to be stand alone pretty easily. Basically I just made a new perk required by every recipe of varying types. You level that perk by skill Holo tapes that are consumed on pickup. They can spawn at a very low rate in just about every container.


I also have an xp system for cooking where you gain exp by cooking (global value), and need to level it up to actually use the recipes, but that might be more about to break out and it has other changes (small permanent perks for eating cooked foods for the first time).

Edited by PhanomGames
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