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Mod Request- Permanent Ring Of Sacrifice


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I would like to know if it is possible to make the game a bit more forgiving by ensuring that no souls are lost upon death. Personally, this game makes me extremely anxious to the point that I could only play for maybe thirty minutes to an hour at a time and ultimately results in an unpleasant experience. I understand I'm definitely not the best player in the world and I could always just use cheat engine to boost my stats to absurd levels, but that's just no fun either. I want to experience the Dark Souls level of challenge without the absolute tedium and anxiety that comes with walking into a bad neighborhood with a pocketful of your life savings. I've always liked the world, lore, and environment of dark souls but was never able to fully appreciate it because playing is just so stressful. Essentially, what I'm asking for is a mod that either makes sure that the ring of sacrifice can't break, but still takes up a ring slot, or some script runs that lets me retain my souls on death. Thanks in advanced!!!

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