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> Need help: Lock / Unlock / Block Script

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In the render window, right click on the second activator, click on edit, go to the scripts tab, right click on the script and click on edit properties, there you need to mark the checkbox for InsideActivator.


Also a couple of improvements to show up a different message depending on where from you locked/unlocked the door, and removed the timerId variable.

Scriptname DCF_ManuallyUnlockDoor extends ObjectReference

Bool Property InsideActivator Auto ;'Enable property only for the activator inside the facility.'
ObjectReference xDoor01 ;'This variable is empty until the script is initialized the fist time, so you need a saved game where you never loaded this mod before'

Event OnInit() ;'this event is triggered the first time this script is loaded, which occurs when the cell that contains the activator is loaded for the first time'
	xDoor01 = GetLinkedRef() ; 'this function stores in to the variable the ObjectReference of the door linked to this activator'
	If(xDoor01) ;'this is checking that the variable contains an actual ObjectReference, if a None value is stored then the "else" statement is executed.'
		xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True)
		xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False)
		Debug.Trace("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akAction)
	If(xDoor01);'If theres a linked reference'
		If(xDoor01.IsLocked());'if the reference is locked'
			If(Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(xDoor01.GetKey()) >= 1 || InsideActivator) ;'Checks if the player has the key of the linked door in the inventory'
				xDoor01.Unlock(abAsOwner = False);'Unlock the door'
				xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False);'enable activation for the door'
					Debug.Notification("Door unlocked from inside.")
					Debug.Notification("Unlocked with the Factory Secret Room Key")
				Debug.Notification("You need the Factory Secret Room Key to unlock this door")
		Else ;'if the reference is unlocked, as oposite to the if statement being true.'
				If !(xDoor01.GetOpenState() > 2) ;'If NOT(closed(3) or closing(4))'
					xDoor01.SetOpen(abOpen = False);'Close it'
				xDoor01.Lock(abLock = True, abAsOwner = False);'Lock it'
				xDoor01.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True);'Avoid activation and hide activation text.'
				Debug.Notification("Door locked from inside")
				Debug.Notification("Door already unlocked")
		Debug.Notification("ERROR: The activator has no linked door")

Edit: I also removed a redundant "if" statement that was checking if the door was unlocked.

Edited by DieFeM
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