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[LE] making followers respond to choices in Vanilla quests?

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hi everyone.
I'm trying to make a follower that will react to the choices you make in game. e.g. if you complete quests like the one from Boethiah she will like you less, and thus her dialogue will change. likewise if you do a quest like the companions quest-line she may like you more, that kind of thing. In the end, I want her to respond to all the daedric quests, the main quest and DLC main quests, college of Winterhold quest and a few others.
My question is, how do i actually implement this without modifying those vanilla quests (something that is generally a bad idea due to stability and conflicts with other mods). the way I would have done this if I could modify those quests, would simply put a bit of code in the end fragment of various pieces of dialogue in these quests that will change the relationship rank, but as I said above, modifying vanilla quests is generally a no-no.
My first idea to get around this was to make it so that when you next talk to the Follower after any of these quests, a dialogue option will appear where you can ask her for her thoughts, and she'll tell you what she thinks about the situation, and attached to that dialogue will be the script that modifies the relationship rank. there's a few problems with this. the biggest is that she then responds to ALL the quest she can that you've done, weather she was there or not. meaning if the player did all these quests before meeting her she'll list off a whole bunch of comments for things she really shouldn't know. she may also end up hating the player. second major issue is if the player never asks her, the relationship will never change, which doesn't make a lot of sense. another thing is that it would be annoying to have to constantly ask her, personally I'd just rather this to be automatic.
Another idea suggested to me was having trigger boxes spawn in after these quests, and these would trigger the change relationship script. the problem with this is that if the player has any mods installed that change the location/cell the trigger box is placed in, that then creates a conflict. there's a lot of quests I want her to respond to, and that means a lot of locations and a lot of potential conflicts.
I'm at a bit of a loss here and would really appreciate some help to figure this out!
Thanks in advance!

Edited by crystaldragon12
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Depending on the quest -- they're all configured somewhat differently -- you can generally figure out what the player chose to do by checking for the quest stage and/or if the quest is completed/stopped/running.


Potential ways to trigger it include polling whenever the NPC is loaded, registering for https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnTrackedStatsEvent_-_Form and checking for the relevant categories, placing an ability on the NPC with the required conditions on a variety of magic effects (the conditions need to be applied in the effects window of the spell, not on the magic effect directly, for this to work), your own ideas of triggerboxes or dialogue, time-based polling, and so on. There's lots of possible options.


I would suggest storing the items you want to track in custom GlobalVariables, so's you can use them in other game systems (conditionals in perks, quests, magic effects, etc, for example).

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