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Make an object only show up in a certain area?


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Activator box that triggers when the player is inside Gomorrah Courtyard. With a script that has an on trigger enter activate that disables the old Tops model and enables your newly placed model. And an on trigger leave function that does the inverse, disables your new model & enables the old model for when your in the Tops Courtyard or whatever probably be easiest.

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  • 4 weeks later...
scn AAATopsModelTrigger

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player




Begin OnTriggerLeave Player



Set that as an object script attach it to your trigger box and make the trigger box as large as the Gomorrah courtyard and taller than anywhere you want the player to jump/climb to. Shouldn't need to be more complex that that I don't think but you'll have to test that yourself. Obviously you need to correct the name refs to the correct models in game the old one and your new one. Make sure that the models are persistent references too. Not sure if tops LOD will be an issue here or not.

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