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Old Glitch: Master Thief and Alpha Wolf E3 Demo Files Outside Riverwood


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I've had a problem for awhile where I cannot join the thieves guild due to an issue where brynjolf and other guild members becoming hostile when I enter the inner sanctum. After researching the issue, it seemed this might be related to a glitch where elements from the E3 demo resurface in the game files, causing a master thief and alpha wolves to appear outside of Riverwood.

I run a long list of mods (which I can share upon request,) but I dont want to try and slowly go through every mod to see which is the cause.

I know that that at least part of the problem comes from mods that edit the area around riverwood. Are there any popular mods that you all might know of that causes this problem? Or a way I can fix both the E3 demo issue and the thieves guild issue?

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