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NVAC caught an expression error, can I get some help please?


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The load order is not going to help with a "syntax error". That means an instruction in a script is not formulated correctly and failed to execute. Normally that is something to take up with the author. One possible reason is if the script is using a "New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)" syntax (e.g. "Let" instead of "Set") but NVSE is not installed.


NVSE is a DLL library used by some (most) mods which does not show up in the "load order". There is no external sign it is being used except log file entries. It also is not installed with most mod managers because it goes partly into the game root folder and partly into the "Data\NVSE" folder, so it should be installed ""manually". Please see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.

I responded to your "load order" question in the "Mod Troubleshooting" sub-forum.



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