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Morrowind, Do you agree with letting your child, underage of 17, play Morrowind


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I was old enough to play Morrowind. Now, I am not a father, but if I were I would allow my kid(s) to play Morrowind without mods.


However, if you have asked about Skyrim then I would definitely disallow it.


Also, if it matters I even gave a friend the advice to disallow her daughter to play Skyrim due to the scenes of violent brutality the player can encounter in-game.

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I've seen all kinds of ridiculous things, such as Parents requesting a mod that hides the Horse's Anus in the Game Oblivion, to More "Moderate" clothes for women that hides their cleavage, while the parent had NO PROBLEM with Decapitations and Dismemberment in the game.

Murica!, Where gratuitous violence is good, while breast-feeding and seeing a horse's pooper, is an outrage

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I personally wouldn't care if my kids played Morrowind when they were 17 (they are all older than that now). A 17 year-old these days is exposed to a lot more sex and violence on TV, in movies, in advertising, and elsewhere than what they'll see in the game. A modern 17 year-old is probably going to think the game has crappy graphics and clunky animations.


You kill a lot of stuff in Morrowind. But as was already pointed out, too many parents don't give two hoots about violence as long as nobody sees bewbs. The only real sexual content in Morrowind is implied stuff like the book The Lusty Argonian Maid. It's not explicit, but when the main character is named Lifts-Her-Tail that kinda gets the point across. References like that would probably fly right over the head of a 10 year-old.


House Telvanni also owns slaves, so depending on how offended you are by the concept of slavery that might be an issue. If you play as a good person, there are quests where you can free the slaves.

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I played Morrowind more even when Oblivion hit the shelves.


I recall that levitation was not allowed in Tribunal, they completely removed it, I seem to recall they outlawed it, in Oblivion. Many times it seemed the game was meant to have levitation. Without the Rising Force Potion and Levitation: wild spell, I was often unhinged by lack of it because Oblivion was full of high, unreachable places with stuff


I found I had to climb broken walls and try my luck at jumping across a gap, I did my best to get higher up so I could jump down. I thought levitation should have been in Oblivion because of the Mages Guild, Mage, Battlemage etc. I actually learned how to use the console commands because Oblivion made items on places inaccessible that I could see chests, storage, and items across the way from on a hillside looking down.



What did you think about stuff like levitation?

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Do you remember those scrolls that made it so we could levitate and go really fast? :woot: Hoo!


The goal was to reach a shrine on an island up north, get the blessing from it before your time ran out, before achieving the next rank of the Temple. Grandmaster!


I bought enough of those supersonic levitation scrolls to fly from the Temple in Vivec City to that island. :laugh:


The first time I did it, I couldn't find the shrine before the timed quest time ran out. :sad:


That was before someone like OblvionAddicted made the Ghorak Scamp Creeper a millionaire and the talking Mudcrab too. It was tough finding ways to sell stuff that was worth a lot of septims.

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