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Hot13looded's 'Soldier Development' mod increases a soldier's combat intelligence on 'flawless' or 'excellent' ratings


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Sorry for the long winded title. Basically in the mod there is a chance that, upon completion of an excellent or flawless mission, the squad gets a boost to their combat intelligence. However how do I make them get AP as well to match their new CI rating, like if I train them through covert actions?


A snippet of the code is as follows:

if (MissionRating == "Flawless")
		ImproveComIntChance = default.FlawlessComIntChance;
		RewardAPChance = default.FlawlessAPChance;
		APReward = default.FlawlessAPReward;

	// Random chance to improve the Combat Intelligence of all soldiers or to gain Ability Points
	RandRoll = `SYNC_RAND_STATIC(100);

	if (RandRoll < ImproveComIntChance && ImproveComIntChance > 0 && EligibleUnits.Length > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < EligibleUnits.Length; ++i)
			ComIntEventContext = XComGameStateContext_MissionRatingComIntEvent(class'XComGameStateContext_MissionRatingComIntEvent'.static.CreateXComGameStateContext());
			ComIntEventContext.AssociatedUnitRef = EligibleUnits[i].GetReference();
                        //I'm guessing somewhere here I should add the function to increase AP based on their new CI rating
			ComIntEventContext.MissionRating = MissionRating;
			ComIntEventContext.strStatType = "Combat Intelligence";
			ComIntEventContext.UnitIndex = i;

	else if {...} 
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